Java Virtual Machine Windows 7animationsupport

Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine Error A Fatal exception has occurred, the program will exit.

While after installing Eclipse Neon and JDK 1.8 I got the above error opening eclipse

  • Fix: Could Not Create the Java Virtual Machine If the issue is with your Computer or a Laptop you should try using Restoro which can scan the repositories and replace corrupt and missing files. This works in most cases, where the issue is originated due to a system corruption.
  • Java Virtual Machine is the name that Java Runtime Environment was known for a time. There are plenty of websites that make use of Java technology to enrich the experience of visitors; from banks websites, to video games webpages, all of them require Java to function properly.

Image – 1

When a Java file is executed, it’s run through a version of the Java Virtual Machine before the code is interpreted. This means that if there’s a problem with the virtual machine, you won’t even be able to run Java programs until it’s been resolved. “Java Virtual Machine Launcher Could Not Find The Main Class”. The Microsoft Java Virtual Machine (MSJVM) is a discontinued proprietary Java virtual machine from Microsoft.It was first made available for Internet Explorer 3 so that users could run Java applets when browsing on the World Wide Web. It was the fastest Windows-based implementation of a Java virtual machine for the first two years after its release. Sun Microsystems, the creator of Java, sued.

Consider the Java program to be a 'shared library' used by the JVM. Consider docker to be a more-portable wrapper around an executable. Since the JVM is the executable, it wouldn't make sense to put docker around the shared library, you'd put it around the Java executable (JVM) and the shared library (your main launching JAR file).

Command to check java version installed in the machine

Open command prompt type java -version as per the image – 2

It is now showing java version in the above image.


Go to the eclipse installation folder and find eclipse.ini file

  • Find the line which starts with -vm
  • Add java run time binary path in the second line
  • C:Program FilesJava SDK 1.8binjavaw
  • You can add the line If the -vm line in the eclipse.ini configuration is not there before the line starts with -vmargs
  • Then you can add the above line
  • Find if it’s set -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.8 then change this to currently jdk version.
  • Now save the configuration file and close

Now if you try opening eclipse you should not receive any error.

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There are many computer applications developed based on Java. When users run these applications, they are supposed to run smoothly. However, in some instances, errors can pop up and terminate the launch of the respective software. This is usually happening by displaying the error message starts with ‘could not create the Java virtual machine …’. If you see this message, the next thing you would experience is that the Java program is stopped. Well, have you ever experienced this error ‘could not create the Java virtual machine …’ error? If so, this article explains the fixes to it. So, read on.

PS: learn more about how to fix ‘stuck with 0x80070422 error code in Windows update‘, and the ‘bad system config info Windows 10‘, as well as the ‘your Windows license will expire soon‘ easily.

How to fix ‘Could not create the Java virtual machine’ error?

What causes ‘could not create the Java virtual machine’ error?

There are several causes behind this issue. Mentioned below are some of those reasons.

  • If Java is invoked with the wrong arguments
    Or if you use unstable software (be it a game or any other app), this issue can occur.
  • If Java global maximum heap memory is not high enough
    This is among the most common causes for sure. In this case, you will have to allocate more memory to resolve the issue.
  • If Java executable file and application is not granted administrative privileges
    To solve this, you should provide administrative privileges.

Java Virtual Machine Windows 7

Besides, if you are bothered with the issue of the could not find or load main class, click to fix it now.

How to fix ‘Could not create the Java virtual machine’ error?

As emphasized in the first paragraph of this article, we are going to explain how to fix this error. In fact, there are multiple solutions to this error so you should pick the most appropriate one for you. Let’s read on.

Fix 01: Configure a new system variable

Configuring a new system variable for Java is our fist solution to this error. ‘Could not create the Java virtual machine’ error actually appear when there is not enough memory for it. In other words, Java requires a substantial amount of memory, and when there is not enough memory, it stops. That means, some of the machines that have larger memory capacity experience this issue rarer compared to other machines. Some of the users have found a solution to this issue simply by expanding the RAM allocated to Java. Well, to allocate more memory to Java, you may try the following steps and get it done. We use this option as the first method because it is a very easy process.

  • As the first step, you should open the ‘Run‘ command in your computer. To do this, there are a couple of ways. You can hit Window key and ‘R’ key on the keyboard simultaneously to get ‘Run‘ dialog box opened. If not, you can hit Windows key and type ‘Run‘ in the search box and select the ‘Run’ option.
  • No matter which method you select, just go to ‘Run.’ Once the ‘Run‘ dialog box is opened, you will see a search bar as well. In this search bar, enter the text’ sysdm.cpl‘. Then, press the button labeled ‘OK.’ You will now see a different window. This Window will comprise the title ‘System Properties.’
  • On this Window called ‘System Properties,’ you should select the tap labeled ‘Advanced‘ tab. Under this option, you will find a button called ‘Environment Variables.’ This will lead you to another window.
  • Click on the option labeled ‘New‘ which is located under ‘System variables.’
  • Now, you should enter ‘_JAVA_OPTIONS.’ This should be entered inside the Variable name text box.
  • After that, you should enter ‘_Xmx512M‘ within the Variable value text box. Well, this option will increase RAM allocation by 512 megabytes.
  • Now, to complete the process, you should click on the ‘OK‘ button.
  • Thereafter, you can press the ‘OK‘ button on the ‘Environmental Windows‘ as well.
  • That’s it, and 512MB RAM will be allocated.

Fix 02: Make ‘Run’ as an Administrator Option for Java

If the previous option doesn’t work for you, you will have to try a different option. If it doesn’t work, that means, the error might be something else. In fact, ‘Could not create the Java virtual machine …’ can occur due to insufficient admin rights to Java. If you are using Windows 10, you can fix the issue using the following steps.

  • In Windows 10, you should open Cortana. To do this, you should hit Windows Key with ‘Q‘ key on the keyboard.
  • Now, you will see a search box appearing. In this box, enter ‘Java.’
  • Then, you will be able to see the ‘Java‘ option. Right-click on this option and then select the option called ‘Open File Location.’
  • This option will open the folder of Java in the File Explorer window.
  • You can now go to the java.exe file and then right-click on it. You will then be able to select the ‘Properties‘ option.
  • You can then select the tab labeled ‘Compatibility.’
  • After selecting the ‘Compatibility‘ option, you should select ‘Run this program as an administrator.
  • To complete the process, you should select the option called ‘Apply.’
  • Click ‘OK‘ so you can finish the process.

Fix 03: Install Java once again

If none of the above options have worked so far, the cause of the issue might be something different. So, as another remedy, you should try to reinstall Java and check if it resolved the issue. After reinstalling Java, you can expect ‘Could not create the Java virtual machine‘ error to be gone.

So, to get it done, you should first uninstall the existing version of Java. For that, you must go to control panel of the machine. To access the control panel, there are several options you can consider. For instance, you can either choose a long way or a shortcut. As we believe, entering the text ‘appwiz.cpl.’ within ‘Run‘ box is the most convenient way.

Microsoft Java Virtual Machine Download

  • Then, in the search box, you should enter ‘Java.’ If not, you can simply scroll down until you find the option called ‘Java.’
  • Now, select the option labeled ‘Java‘ and then click on ‘Uninstall.’
  • You may now click on ‘Yes‘ on the confirmation box which will popup.
  • Now, restart Windows computer after the installation.
  • Open a web browser of your preference and go to the Java download page.
  • Make sure you choose the appropriate software version for the operating system running on your computer. For instance, if you have 32-bit Windows OS, you should choose the 32-bit Java file. However, if the operating system runs on 64-bit, you should choose the 64-bit version accordingly. If you are doubtful about the version, you may try installing both of the Java files. To do this, you should go to the Windows Offline file.
  • No matter whether you have selected 32-bit version or 64-bit version, you must open Java setup wizard now.
  • Click on the option labeled ‘Install‘ which appears as a button on this setup wizard you have just launched.

Well, that is exactly how to fix ‘Could not create the Java virtual machine ….’ Issue. This is also known as Java Virtual Machine fatal error. As we believe, the resolutions we have mentioned above can address this issue for good. Once the issue is fixed, you will be able to run the required Java software without any issue.

If you need to learn more about Recover Overwritten Files and How to Launch The Application Blocked by Java Security, this is just for you.

Java Vm Download Windows 7

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